Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our new backyard.

We're back in the country and now this is my backyard. A nice frosty morning overlooking the valley slightly tinged with fog. You can see what remains of the nature planting in the background after the fire a couple of years ago. There will soon be spring wildflowers on the hillside just east of Charlotte's Web. (one of my kids favorite place to play in our pasture). I can hardly wait to start planting and moving things about for the gardens around the house. It's like a fresh new pallet just waiting to burst forth with all the colors of the rainbow. I suppose I should wait for the ground to thaw and the soil to dry a little though. Hurry spring. Patience is not one of my virtues.

1 comment:

  1. It looks beautiful! Spring is here and headed your way. Soon everything will be green and growing. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great weekend. Regards Wendy
